Sunday, June 15, 2008

Christian Gyms

Hey, there has been some media coverage lately about gyms designed for Christians. Interesting. Here is a link. What do you think?

Christian Gyms Story in the New York Times

1 comment:

  1. SO interesting. I haven't quite figured out how I feel about celebrating religion in the public world, regardless of religion. I get really irritated with Mormon commercials blaring in my face right after Conference. Hmm... Would love to talk to you about this.

    You can't change people's attitudes even if you change the environment. Very cool that enough people want modesty and focus on fitness instead of sexy bods, but to brand it with Christianity? I was really sad when Gold's changed their motto from "Fitness for Every Body." Do you remember when their advertisements used to be young scrawny boys and old women, plus everything in between? Now it's just hot 20 something models and I'm sad.
