Tuesday, September 13, 2011

3 Day Potty Training: Day 2

I guess you could say that we are half way done. AMEN!! How did I ever do this pregnant? I was probably too tired being pregnant that I didn't notice that added tiredness. Not a bad idea to do it when you are already miserable and a little maternal.

So I was up several times in the night. I changed her panties and bedding a few times, and then I got sick to my stomach (unrelated) and could not bare to get any less sleep. I went down and put a pull up on her. THIS IS TOTALLY NOT ALLOWED IN THE THREE DAY METHOD. But I had a few reasons. Mostly it was because I was sick and second it was because she never got on board yesterday. She does not want to use the potty. She totally can, but she does not want to. She was calling for me in the night saying she needed to go potty, but she did not need to or had no intention of actually doing it. I couldn't handle it. Plus since Quinn is still in pull ups, I have not inspiration for believing night time potty training is ever even possible. My faith is weak.

So, she woke up at 7:30 with a fairly dry pull up. I pumped her with fluids and breakfast, and she held it until 10:22 a.m. She played with the potty a little before that but was not serious. Then she asked for me to change her bum (put on a diaper) and then I took her to the potty. Basically she sat on it and peed with a teenage-face like, "Fine, whatever ... crazy." I praised her, and she enjoyed the praise for today than yesterday. I gave her a candy stick with a Raggedy Andy finger puppet on it. She ate the candy outside. Played, rode bikes, ate salad and then decided she wanted to pee at the same time as me. So she sat and I sat (because I always have to go). I went and finished, and then she was still sitting. Then she said I should sit again, and I said no because I was done. She gave me a strange look, and she peed in the potty. I took my cue and sent her to bed for a nap so I would have a few minutes on the couch before work. Nice.

Baby is asleep. Quinn and daddy are almost home from the cabin, and Kenna is playing in her bed in the same panties we put on when she woke up. I have never been this tired in my life, and I will be avoiding milk and cookies for a very long time since they were most likely the root of my very ill night.

7:05 p.m.
I might die. The rest of the day went pretty well in terms of potty training. During her nap Kenna yelled, "mommy, the pee-pees coming!!" I ran and got her, and she totally peed in the potty. Dry panties and everything. I put her back in her bed and then later went and got her up early since she was not sleeping. Really cool success, I thought. Then after naps she held her pee for several hours. At 3:40, I had sort of lost steam and thought maybe she was trained and ready. Then she peed on me and the carpet while playing with my phone. An hour later she mentioned diapers and I took her to the potty. She pee-peed!! Yay! Then she went pee at least one more time before bed. I made it a new rule in our house that you have to pee before I turn on the last show of the night. Quinn needs this too.

Of course, at about this point I start yelling at everyone. Quinn was in a really mean mood today, and I just could not take it. So much whining and crying. Then I asked her nicely to go out of the bathroom while Kenna tried to poop, and she of course came in and started screaming and crying ... no poop. I was so angry. I started yelling and threatening an early bed time. I really do not like it when I lose my cool, but I can only be treated like crap so long before I just lose it. But I got Kenna down for bed -- in a pullup -- pretty early so Quinn and I should have some time to talk about it. And on a happy note: Lizza is about the sweetest baby on earth. No complaints. A little guilt. But no complaints. Such a sweetie. Slept like a rock start this afternoon when there was a lot going on and gives me the prettiest smiles like I am the queen of the world. Love it!

Poor Kenna is dying to get out of the house. She loves a store just like I do. Keeps asking if we can go in the car and go to the store. I feel you, sister. Me too.

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