Saturday, March 10, 2012


Yay!! My first seeds/beans/nuts have sprouted!! I am so excited. This is a mix called Peacarnival from SproutPeople. I used wide mouth mason jars from my basements (and Lizza's) with rings and screens that I bought also from SproutPeople.

I started them with a 12 hour soak about 48 hours ago, and I rinsed them every 12 hours. I am going to let them grow until tonight and serve them in a salad when Bridget comes for dinner. When we saw the little shoots this morning, McKenna ate one and loved it, and Quinn ate one and spit it out. Heaven forbid they feel the same about a food on the same day. Haha.

I am really excited to add sprouted seeds/beans/nuts to salads, juices and stirfry recipes. (I use the word recipe lightly, of course.) I am also planning to have sprout around just for snacking. You are what you eat; and you eats what's around!!

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