Monday, September 16, 2013

Open Heart

I know it is not true. But it just feels like I love my kids more when I feed them ice cream -- like I am giving more love -- especially when I do it at the cutest ice cream shop ever.
I am trying to open my heart. I am doing a lot of self reflecting about my life and motherhood. And answers keep coming that I need to give more. All the moms I know are always talking about girls' nights and needing a break because they give all day and drive to kingdom come for soccer or spacing walking classes or whatever their kids need. But I am pretty sure I am not giving enough. I am always making it simpler for me -- at their expense most likely.

I concede that parenting will get harder in some ways if I give more of myself to it, but I also see that it will be more rewarding and have more direction. Here's the truth: I have zero vision for my parenting. I have no goals, no evidence for success. I have no idea what I want parenting to look like -- so even in my own little world -- I can never know if I am doing it right. Am I even living up to my own standard? No idea. So, I am pretty sure I have more to give. But my next big questions is: what should I give? I am willing to give it -- take it from me -- time, money, goals. It's theirs. But what is it? (I hope it's not fat. I really don't want to get fat ever again unless there is a 4th angel on the other end of 50 pounds).

So, I've been pondering and watching and reading. And one main theme keeps coming my way -- worry less, require less, love more, talk more, be love, never yell. I think I do have some things figured out in my life, and my kids could probably watch and notice and learn from me over the years -- if I would stop screaming at them to get their damn shoes on and get in the car or we are not going!

The peace and love and order I want in my parenting is really the same peace and love and order I want in my life. So, I think that it could be true that as I work this out in my parenting -- my children -- will give me everything i have ever wanted. My soul will be saved through loving my kids.

So, that's beautiful and all, but what does it look like?

Right now, I just want more time to sit and talk and cuddle. I don't want to always be working or always be cleaning or always be playing. I basically want to always be cuddling -- balance really isn't my strong suit, I guess. But I think I need a shorter to-do list and more time to sit. A shorter list of things that have to go a certain way. Today I was trying to do this, and before I knew it, I was mad at 2 out of 3 kids because they wanted to sit on the couch I was using to fold laundry. Since they were fighting over who got to sit where on the forbidden couch, I couldn't hear a documentary about happiness I turned on to block out the laundry folding boredom. So, before I knew it, I was multi-tasking the 1) fold 2) "shhhhh!!" 3) watch 4) yell and 5) dream about how a farm with even more chores is the source of all happiness. At least I knew the situation was messed up.

I want more time and order to teach important truths and deeper meaning.

I've been reading a book called "Seven spiritual laws for parents." It's not about religion -- just spiritual truths of the universe -- like Karma and "anything is possible."  It's helping me ponder and decide what I would like to change or add in my life. The books has good ideas for teaching children and organizing some aspects of family life. But as I read, I had a few major things jump out at me. Apparently it is an actual thing among spiritual self-helpers that our desires are often in conflict with each other or generally unclear -- which makes it hard for god or the universe to grant the wants we throw out there. Damn. Like for me, I pray for clarity on how to give myself to my kids and family -- but without a vision of the finish line -- I'm doubly unsure of what I am looking for. Or again, I dream of a farm with lots of open space -- tucked tightly in a small mountain town. Space and cozy do not exist together. God can't grant me 100 acres and a sweet old man neighbor name Maple who brings Jam. A house on 100 acres doesn't really have a neighbor in that same sense. We never once saw our neighbors at the cabin in 2 years. So, my dreams are constantly in conflict -- they require balance and clarity -- of which I have neither very organically.

For now with my parenting at least -- I fill in the gaps with ice cream and -- this year -- probably really expensive Halloween costumes. We'll get there.


  1. It is definitely a process that EVERYONE goes through. And as with everything it constantly changes. Your kids needs will constantly change, you will change the only thing that doesn't change is love. Love them, love yourself, love Tim and love God. I love you! Katie

  2. I think you are right that we go through this a lot. Everything's a phase. I just feel like phases are going by before I figure anything out. Mid-life crisis maybe!! LOL I love you too, Katie!!
