Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Milestone for Quinn

Quinn and I were at the mall the other day in California. We went to Claire's boutique to get headbands, and as we headed into the store, I thought, "how excited would Quinn be to get her ears pierced today?!" This little angel has been politely asking about this rite of passage since she could talk. For years she complimented every pair for earrings she saw. I had told her she had to wait until she was 8, but in that moment at the mall, I felt so much love for her and gratitude for the kindness and peace she brings to our home, and I was excited to give her something special. I knew it would mean so much to her -- and mean nothing to McKenna -- which would alleviate any conflicts. It seemed ALL good. Oh, and I thought it was cheap -- which it basically isn't. Oops! So, we went in, and Quinn asked the ladies at the store all her questions. She was ok with the idea that it would hurt -- but she really wanted to understand HOW LONG it would hurt -- "so like 1, 2, 3 and then done?!" I gave her lots of chances to back out (especially after I found out that it costs $55) but she was on board. So we went for it!

She is on cloud nine. She tells Grammy, "I feel so grown up! Do I look 8? I feel 8." She asks me every few minutes if it is time to clean them. She's just so grown up. I am so proud of her.

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea it was that expensive! V has been asking but we're putting it off for now and so far stickers has been working, but I'm not sure for how much longer! She turns 6 in February.

    (We met in Phoenix last year and you all were able to make it to her 5th birthday, I'm not sure if you remember us from your in-laws street :) )

    We're living in India now - www.attachedmoms.com is my blog :)
