Saturday, August 16, 2014

Lindsay: Special Friend

When I met my dear friend Lindsay Doxey Purdie, she had a 3 week old in her arms. That little nugget in her arms turned 10 years old last week, and my heart is full that I have had such a special friend in my life for that long. Also -- we're getting OLD! What the heck?! 

Lindsay has been a best friend of mine since about 5 months after that first meeting when we both admitted a love for American Idol, and she invited me to religiously watch season 4 (Carrie Underwood/ Bo Bice) with her, her husband and her baby boy. We loved it and each other, and I got in the habit of stopping by to hang with her on my way to and from work. She lived two blocks away in her grandmother's basement, and the FIRST of many times I knew I was truly in love with this amazing friend was when I showed up at the season finale, and she had made a Bo Bice cake to show her support for her favorite rocker. That's when I knew she wasn't just pretending. This lady had passion like me. 

A few months later -- Lindsay's grandma got sick and passed away and knowing she would move, I cried for two weeks. I could hardly make it to work. I don't remember all my feelings, but I felt like a piece of me would die. She moved to Salt Lake, and so I in my no child state decided to make the drive once a week. That was the moment I decided to never let Lindsay Purdie out of my life -- like a crazy stalker -- and it was an amazing decision. 

Lindsay is committed to constantly improving and growing. She's never following the crowd. Never afraid to say she doesn't understand. Never afraid to change course or say she messed up. She is humble and loving and inspiring. She seeks truth and prays with more faith than I can imagine. She's in love with her husband and accepting of others no matter what they become. She gets excited and works hard. She can feel when someone is hurting and take risks on how to help -- something most of us are so afraid of -- so afraid of. 

I hope I have picked up on a few of these traits -- I think because of Lindsay --  I am more willing to just see if I can make that cake, take more deep breaths for patience, ask and receive, speak softly, invite a stranger, love a crazy person, never stop trying, admit when I'm crushed and be a little more venerable to this beautiful world and the people in it. 

So, who would have known? A tall lady with a tiny baby and a short husband still changes my life forever. 10 years of change and friendship. I'm a lucky, lucky lady. 

I called Lindsay back for the 3rd time this week and had to leave a voicemail. I'd listened to two or three of hers already this week. We both have three kids. We're both pregnant. And we concluded through our back and worth voicemails that these 4th angels might have done us in -- in terms of phone calls go. 7 children -- 3 and a half each -- might be the limit on ever getting the other to answer! But we laughed, and we'll find a new way. Because we always do.

Thanks, dear friend, I love you. Happy 10 years! 

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