Saturday, July 25, 2015


Longest drive ever for us. 6 hours and then 5 hours and then 4 hours today that turned into 7 hours in the car with one mom and 4 kids and 1 audio book, 6 movies and 4 hot chocolate chip cookies. And finally we are here with daddy in Queens, NY. The kids hadn't seen him in 7 weeks, and I had only seen my man for 1 day 2 weeks ago during a mid-flight stop in Denver. Family life is hard but moments like this remind me that life is better when we're all together. And on that note, the hotel room door slams and daddy takes 3 of 4 kids to the pool. Charlie and I take a deep breath and post for the first time in weeks and weeks.

There may have been tired and cursing and screaming as I forged my way through the expensive tolls of the east, but it was worth it.

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