Sunday, June 12, 2016

Little Lizza rides a bike ... Kind of

So, we went to buy bikes. Then we went to ride them. Lizza fell off of a bike with training wheels within 30 seconds. Dear me. Quinn still wins the prize for being the worst biker of four wheels, but I had hoped that was behind us. Next round begins. I'm thinking of taking the training wheels off NOW. Can't handle watching her sit lop sided with her butt sticking out to one side while she yells at the bike for not working!

1 comment:

  1. Get a balance bike. Seriously. I got one for my boys and my Ellie started riding it. She rode it for about 2 weeks--getting better and better-able to balance longer. And then she got on her regular bike and just went. No crashing, no holding the back of her seat. She just got it. So get one for Charlie and let Lizza use it for a while. ��
