Monday, September 22, 2008

Baby Updates ... not mine

My dear friend Lizza had her baby. Read her beautiful thoughts about her home birthing experience on her blog here.

Also, I have been reading the blog of a person I do not know. It is a different experience, and I like it. She keeps a blog only about her fertility process. She is very open and loving. Sometimes when I just can't think about it for me... I think about it for her. She is on her second round of Clomid just like me. She gets much better medical care than I do, and she has higher hopes for the next few months because her husband does not live in a van on the other side of the country. Anyone interested in reading the tails for this brown-eyed stranger can read on her blog here.

And finally, I know and love a couple who is taking care of their 2 year old grandson. The situation is hard and emotional from all angles and for everyone involved. I want to send love and peace their way.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the lovely comments! I'm glad that someone out there is rooting for me. I feel like I'm going insane most days, writing helps to keep me sane. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that your husband comes back to town soon. And I'll try to keep things amusing so that you won't get bored reading my insane babble! Cheers!
