Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Miracle

As I learned with St. Patricks Day -- my kids aren't always listening when I talked to them about why holidays are specials or why we celebrate. Yesterday, while dying eggs, Quinn asked, "What's Easter for again?" Ah, my chance to dork it out! But I knew I had I act fast. Ok, Jill, you can so this -- start with Jesus ad then move into rebirth, spring, chicks, eggs, world religions, social justice, bunnies, eggs dye DONE breathe!

But I is my best for her short attention. For people that believe in Jesus they celebrate Easter as the day Jesus came back to life. He died, came to life, and so now we can all come back to life some day.

Ok, fine, thanks mom -- days Quinn. No, I have more.

Ok, fine.

Condensed version on the rest of my speech.

McKenna -- pass the pick dye.

Ah, ha! But this morning while they wet through their baskets. I casually asked Quinn while we celebrate Easter -- and I got a film answer complete with my quotes from the day before.

Quinn and I are both getting better at this! LOL

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