Sunday, April 6, 2014

Moab Day 2

Started day 2 with a yummy breakfast at the cabin and a lot of excitement about a second day of hiking. We headed to Arches early and bought a new year pass to the national parks. Why not?! The main road in Arches makes me car sick, so we all shared a pack a skittles -- very slowly - to keep mom healthy. We stopped first at Sand Dunes Arch, and we loved it. Barely a hike at all. Mostly it is a play ground of rocks and red beach sand. The kids were in heaven and really started experimenting with climbing and pretending. The arch itself is hides behind some giant rocks in a cave-like space. So fun for kids. We walked passed the arch to keep playing -- but just as Tim was about to take an awesome pic of me and Lizza -- we realized we had come across some human poop, and it was all over me and Lizza! Seriously?! I spend a lot of y time cleaning up after our newly potty trained, but I about died when I realized this mess was not dog nor toddler poop. I got on my pants shoes and hands. I spent the whole day trying to get clean and some how coveted with more pee and poo from Lizza, Kenna, and even Quinn all day. I tried to keep high spirits on Poop day. A mother's job is never done -- or that clean.

We climbed on rocks all over our picnic spot and at the window Arches. And finished the night with showers, mini golf, play grounds, and pizza.

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