I made arrangements for Quinn to have no homework the next two weeks -- so I don't have to do it. There is so much stress in our house and my anxiety is through the roof as I slowly recover physically and emotionally. So, it seemed like the best move. The teacher and I explained to Quinn that her homework is to be a great big sister and to read as much as she can. It's working out great, and I dodged the bullet of it being "chart the moon" month which would require Quinn (and so all my kids) to stay up later and draw a pic of the moon each night. No thanks! Not this month, friends.
But I skipped talking to McKenna's teacher since she doesn't get much anyway. Oh, yeah, today she came home with tons of homework and with a book and note that said, "your child should be able to read this book." I was excited to be pleasantly surprised. I pulled Kenna over, and she was very excited. I pointed to the first word, and she just looked up at me like, "Oh me? Yeah, right, mom."
From there all I can say was there was a lot of, "ok, try keep your eyes on the word, sweetie. (Letter sounds) a -- N --- D. What's that?" "DOG?" I thought I was gonna die. Might as well just home school if I have to do the hard stuff myself anyway.
Up my meds. It was a long 15 minutes before I said, "great job! You're done!"
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