Friday, December 12, 2014

Quick quick update Christmas 2014 and health issues

I just wanted to throw it out there that I got some absolutely amazing spiritual counsel from some important people in my life, and I'm feeling a lot more under control and a little more hopeful about celebrating Christmas.

Also I know a few people have been following some of my health issues and so I wanted to give you a quick update. We started a regular November 1st cleanse this year in hopes of just getting back on track with whole food and healthy eating. However this year it made me really sick. My body started to ache and my stomach started to hurt. I had to take time and look at things much more closely. In order to feel satisfied and make enough milk for Charlie, I had to add in a little meat and cheat with sugar a whole lot less. That helped with a few issues but then my body started to really hurt. And it got worse and worse. And I got the flu. And I got worse. Suddenly I realized I was constantly on the verge of tears because of pain. A little depression plus a lot of pain is a really bad combination. Plus I was really discouraged because I was eating exactly what I was supposed to and in the worst pain ever. Funny that I'm talking in the past tense because this is literally happening right this minute. I am in a lot of pain right this minute. However all of this motivated me to finally find a holistic doctor here in Nashville. I found an MD who is also a holistic care provider. I saw him today and sure enough he nixed sugar and grain for awhile. I knew that's what I needed to do, and I was trying to do it. But in the back of my heart and my mind I always hope that was not the answer. It's just no fun. He ordered me to eat red meat while I get this figured out. That is fine because the thing I want the very most is a hamburger patty made from organic Cosco ground beef packed with grilled onions with a pile of grilled onions on top. And lots of salt. Always lots of salt. If I can't have sugar I refuse to watch my sodium. Add of story.

So. No grains. No sugar. No dairy. No corn -- and no fancy grains like steel cut oats or quinoa.

Yes nuts. Yes seeds. Yes fruits. Yes vegetables. Yes organic meats. (And chocolate nuts when I hide and sneak them).

Have gotten pretty good at grinding my nuts and seeds into cookies -- or things that kind of look like cookies. So I can live through this.

Anyone who works with energy or prayer or positive thoughts, please send them my way. I can do this diet, but only if I get results. I really need this pain to go away. It is hard enough to chase four children all day, mentor a hundred students each week, feed my baby all the live long day. I can't do all these things with pain. I just can't.

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