Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Teddy bear giggles

Sometimes motherhood is just awful. These kids take your youth and your health, and It can be very hard to remember why the hell you're doing it. My cure for this is to be ridiculous sometimes. Sometimes I make the most ridiculous but fun parent choices just to entertain myself. So, yesterday I put 4 kids in the car, drove 30 minutes to Costco, took 4 kids inside a Costco, and filled up two carts with these three ridiculously large teddy bears. In some ways it was practical. We don't have a couch in the basement. The children need a way to snuggle efficiently when I tell them to watch shows and be quiet during nap time. But really the real reason is that McKenna loves teddy bears. The bigger the better. But Costco doesn't sell these bears until a month after her birthday. And so to bypass this problem, I took the Visa gift cards I got from joining a new dentist this week, and I made a ton of teddy bear giggles. It was mutually beneficial. I can't stop smiling. They're dreams have come true. Here's what the first 12 hours looked like. I'm so happy.

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