Thursday, December 4, 2014

Question: how do we take down Monsanto?

This is not a hypothetical question. We all complain a lot about Monsanto and how it is the big corporate giant that is ruining the world's food supply.  So is there a strategic plan for how to stop it? Has someone or some organization put a long-term plan together that says, "If we all do A, B, and C, we can fight this and win?" I am at the point now that if someone could give me a real to do list, I would do it. But I would need it to be clear and part of a big picture. Step one: Write my congress person  and say these things. Step two: Do not eat these 10 foods. Step three… What would it really take? Is there a plan where should I donate my time and money to make this happen? Is this a thing yet? Again, this is not rhetorical. I am really asking if this plan exists. If not, who has the know how and resources to organize such a plan and mobile, well, everyone?  

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